Interpretation MINHERS 2019-004 Conflicts of Standard 301 with RESNET Standards of Practice:

The Interpretation Request (IR) sought clarification of whether Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-xxxx supersedes the RESNET Standards of Practice when statements or requirements of the two overlap or are in conflict or Standard 301 has statements or requirements not in the Standards of Practice. Standard Development Committee 300 responded that the statements and requirements of Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 supersede those in the RESNET Standards of Practice. Click here to read more. 

Interpretation ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019-003 Total Duct Leakage Used as Duct Leakage to Outside:

The Interpretation Request (IR) sought clarification of whether the total duct leakage value can be used in software as if it were leakage to the outside for calculating an ERI. Standard 380-2019, the testing procedure standard referenced by Standard 301-2019, indicates total duct leakage can be used for duct leakage to outside. Standard Development Committee 300 responded that total duct leakage can be used for duct leakage to outside in calculation of an ERI. Click here to read more.  

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